Finding films

There are a number of ways you can find films on Twig.

Curriculum view

The Curriculum view helps you to quickly find the most relevant film for your lesson.

How to use Curriculum View:
  • Click on the ‘Find Films’ tab in the header.
  • Select ‘Curriculum View’ from the drop-down list.
  • Locate your curriculum.
  • Choose the area of the curriculum you are teaching.
  • Click on the image to watch the desired film.

Quickly access films that cover specific learning objectives and curriculum. 

List view

To see all films related to a specific subject you can use the List view. This display shows all the subjects on Twig, with related modules listed. When you select a topic - films, learning materials and related experiments will appear.

How to use List view:
  • Click on the ‘Find Films’ tab in the header.
  • Select ‘List view’ from the drop-down list.
  • Choose the subject and module.
  • Select ‘Films’ ‘Learning Materials’ or 'Experiments'.

Mindmap view

Twig Mindmap helps you navigate through content to find films related to a specific topic.

How to use Mindmap view:
  • Click on the ‘Find Films’ tab in the header.
  • Select ‘Mindmap view’ from the drop-down list.
  • Each image in the Mindmap represents a three-minute film.
  • Click the (i) icon to read a short film description for each film.
  • Watch the film by clicking on the image.

The central films contain the core curriculum content, with related films linking out from these.

Science Glossary Index

Science Glossary films are sixty-second definitions of key scientific terms. They are listed in alphabetical order in the Science Glossary Index.

How to use Science Glossary films:
  • Click on the ‘Find Films’ tab in the header.
  • Select ‘Science Glossary Index’ from the drop-down list.
  • On the right you’ll find a selection of featured terms to explore.
  • To access a specific term select the first letter of the word and scroll down to find the relevant film.

Top tip: Know what you're looking for? Search for videos on Twig using our search box.