Film info
Film summary
Discover how ever-changing tidal ecosystems create opportunities for both predators and prey.
Key facts
- Tides are a powerful force of nature, created by the Moon's gravitational pull.
- Tides affect marine life along the world's coastlines, providing opportunities for both predators and prey.
- The intertidal coastal habitat is the area of the coastline exposed to the air at low tide, but underwater at high tide.
- All over the world, animals have adapted to use the changing tides to their advantage.
Tides are a powerful force of nature, created by the Moon's gravitational pull.
Along the world's coastlines, tides have a profound affect on marine life, creating opportunities for both predators and prey.
Intertidal coastal habitat:
Exposed to the air at low tide
Underwater at high tide
As the tide recedes, hidden ecosystems are revealed. This ...
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